Thursday, June 21, 2018

Day 16

It's Day 16 and I am so excited to say that I have minimal pain and just a little swelling! For the most part the bruising in my face has completely gone away, but I have a little left of my neck/chest. My chin is still completely numb, but I have a little bit of feeling in my bottom lip now. I'm completely off of my pain killers and have been able to reduce my Ibuprofen intake to just twice a day. I can open my mouth the width of my pointer finger, and can talk pretty clearly now. Eating has been a challenge still, but I'm adapting! I usually start my morning off with a smoothie; my favorite is peanut butter, banana, and strawberry with almond milk and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The rest of the day I eat small meals/snacks. I eat a lot of mashed avocados, mashed sweet potatoes, and noodles cut into really tiny pieces (so they don't require chewing), and chocolate pudding. If my mouth starts feeling sore ice cream and popsicles are amazing, since they're cold and they provide plenty of calories! I've been able to go out more, I just have to take it easy and not wear myself out, which is easy to do. I go back to work next week and I'm really excited about it! I'm ready to get back into a normal routine. I do still wear my medical mask when I go out just so I don't catch anything, being sick is something I'm trying really hard to avoid.

Day 16:
Pain: only on occasion
Nausea: not since my last dose of pain medicine!
Headache: Occasionally
Emotions: mostly normal
Tired: I can go without a nap, but I wear out easily
Craves: Whataburger, Honey Seared Chicken from Pei Wei, Pizza, French Fries

(when my mom is back from out of town I'll have her take pics from all angles)

One Month!

   Last Thursday was officially my one month mark! I had my second post op appointment two weeks ago and it went okay. I'm supposed to b...